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How To Grow Your Business If You Don’t Have Money

I want to delve into a sensitive yet crucial topic: “How to grow your business when you're strapped for cash."

Investing in your business is extremely important, but some time or another, we all face this situation where the cash flow is low.

In this blog, I'll be sharing valuable insights drawn from my own personal experience,

and from having interacted with some of the most successful business owners.

I'm telling you what the strategies are that they have used when they are going through a tough phase like this.

 Let's tackle the challenge of limited finances together.

1. Build a contingency fund:

It's essential to have a safety net for your business. My first piece of advice to you would be that you have to have a contingency fund at all times for your business, which can take care of you.

Especially in months where you've not had a very good month, you've not made any profits.

So whatever it is that you are earning on a monthly basis in your business, put a small portion of that in a contingency fund which you can use later on.

Please do not spend all that money, especially in the starting.  It's very lucrative.

When you start making a profit, the first thing that you want to do is buy gifts for your family members, gifts for your friends, buy things for yourself, but try to hold on to doing this and create a contingency fund which will help you during the rainy days.

Allocate a small portion of your monthly earnings to a contingency fund, ensuring you have resources during challenging times. Resist the temptation to splurge, especially in the early stages of your business.


2. Harness Money Manifestation Powers:

Elevate your vibrations by focusing on affirmations, visualizations, and clearing limiting beliefs.

Work on your money manifestation powers, because only when you increase your vibrations you will start attracting money and success in your life.

So you can do that by doing the right kind of affirmations, the right kind of visualizations, and clearing up your subconscious beliefs.

ONLY when you clear these subconscious beliefs will money start flowing into your life. I have done this on numerous occasions, and I also teach my community members how to do it.

I have an entire course called Abundance Attraction Mastery. I highly encourage you to go through this course and do the exercises. It will really help you start attracting more abundance in your life. 

one time where I had to enroll in a coaching program that required me to invest about ₹3,00,000, and I did not have this money.

I put all of my manifestation techniques into practice. WITHIN 10 DAYS, I received just the exact amount of money that I needed to invest in this course.

I wasn't even expecting this money. This was just gift money that I received from my grandmother. So when you start putting these kinds of practices in place, when you start applying the law of attraction to your business, you start getting abundant.

Abundance starts coming to you in ways that you will never even anticipate.

3.  Collaborate for Exposure:

Network with other business owners through live collaborations, sharing sessions, and cross-promotion.

Building connections within your niche can lead to organic growth without spending on advertising.

I do multiple sessions for other coaches. I go to their communities, and I speak in their communities.

This way, people in their communities also get to know about my work, and I'm getting clients absolutely for free without even putting in any money in advertising.

4Raise Capital Strategically:

While unconventional, consider raising capital through personal loans, gold loans, or contributions from friends and family.

Now I know this is considered a taboo, and a lot of people right now would be like,

“Hey Shreya, what do you mean take a gold loan?”.

But I promise you, all business owners, they have raised money somehow or another.

They have either diluted their own personal savings or they've either sold off their house, they've either sold off their gold, or they've

taken a loan from one place or another.

There is no other way to raise money. So please let go of this hesitation that it's a no-no. Do this for your business. It is absolutely doable.

I know so many women entrepreneurs who have taken out a gold loan for their businesses because they've needed to invest in advertising, coaching programs, and buying equipment and raw materials for their businesses. 

I had a conversation with people and I asked them, Where did you raise the money for your business?

And all mentioned one of these sources or the other. So please take the thought out of your mind that you can't raise money this way.

This is the way that everybody raises capital for their business. Even in my case, there was this one time in my business where I did not make a profit and I had to pay salaries.

I had all my tools, and they all had to be paid for. So I diluted my mutual funds. I sold them off only to bring in that extra capital and to be able to keep my business afloat.

So trust me, there is no taboo in doing this. You just have to be prepared.

You just need to truly, truly believe in yourself, and you need to truly believe in your business, and you'll know that you'll make it over time.

So you can always take that money back and put it back into your savings or buy back the gold that you put on loan. So think about how you are going to raise money this way.

5. Do a Flash Sale: 

Create hype around your products or services with a flash sale.

Leverage email and WhatsApp broadcasts, as well as Instagram Stories, to drive traffic and boost sales.

Reconnect with previous clients and inform that that you are offering heavily discounted prices for a limited time.

6.  Follow Up on Outstanding Payments:

Reach out to clients who owe you money. During financially challenging periods, it's crucial to collect outstanding payments promptly.

This proactive approach ensures you have the necessary funds to sustain and grow your business.

Call up all of your old clients who owe you money—your customers who haven't paid you, who've taken your products or services in advance—and follow up on that payment.

When we are financially comfortable, we are like, “Okay, whenever they need to pay, they will pay it.” But this is the time when you need to start following up with them and getting that money back because you need it for your business right now.

7. Maximize Visibility through Free Events: 

Increase your business's exposure by participating in and hosting free events or workshops.

Start doing as many free events and free workshops as you can so that you can get more eyeballs towards your business.

When I was just getting started, I did not know how to charge for my coaching business.

I started doing multiple free one-on-one sessions, and later on, I could convert these clients into my paid coaching clients.

So think about what you can do. Maybe if you're a product-based business owner, you can set up a kiosk in your community and do house parties to invite people to come and sample your products.

So think of creative ideas that don't require any investment.

8. Curtail Spending: 

In tough financial times, both personally and in your business, evaluate and cut unnecessary expenses.

When you are going through a tight phase financially in your business, please curtail your spending both in your business and personally as well.

See, you can't say that you don't have money if you are spending a lot of money shopping on NYKAA or Amazon.

So what are the things that you are spending too much money on?

Maybe your kitchen or other unnecessary expensive things like makeup or clothing.

You can pause that for a while. There have been times in my business where I haven't shopped for any clothing or makeup for months because I want to save up that money to invest in my business.

And I know the same thing has been done by a lot of other people out there.

One thing I can guarantee you is that if you curtail your spending on the personal front on frivolous things like going out for movies, eating out, etc.,

you will have a lot of money to invest in your business.

So I hope you found these steps useful, because this is one thing that so many people struggle with.

Break this vicious cycle of financial struggle by implementing these practical strategies. I would love to know from you what you have implemented, or if you have any questions, you can put them in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Shreya

Author of Abundance Workbook & your Abundance Attraction Coach.

I hold space for hundreds of women who want to be extraordinarily successful & become the wealthiest women in their family.

I support women entrepreneurs manifest more success in their business using a powerful combination of mindset reprogramming, energy practices and marketing strategies.

I am self made entrepreneur, army wife living a gypsy life, mommy to a baby girl and 2 dogs.

I believe in living a life in fullness of who I am, experiencing freedom, love, and joy to the fullest.

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Ways to work with me...

Abundance Attraction Mastery

A 6 week live program for the Abundance Seeker Ready to Manifest More Success, Wealth & Money

Instagram Business Mastery

Unlock the power of Instagram for your business

Morning Abundance Practice

30 Day daily live practice for sub conscious mind re-imprinting & money manifestation


This workbook planner is for you if you feel that your head's all jumbled up and that you want to do so many things but can't find the focus to do so.

Your First Step to Manage a Healthy Business and Personal Life

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